Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

10 days to go!

Those are MY temps for the next few days! Yep, I'm ready to be in a warmer, sunnier climate! Bring it on, BABY!

Today Jan 17 Snow Shower / Wind
High 34°/ Low 20°

Fri Jan 18 AM Snow Showers
High 29°/ Low 18°

Sat Jan 19 Snow Shower
High 37°/ Low 8°

Sun Jan 20 Few Snow Showers
High 14°/ Low 1°

Mon Jan 21 Partly Cloudy
High 20°/ Low 0°


Anonymous said...

Trade ya! We are below zero and in single digits this week. I, too, am so ready for some heat. Just nervous that I'll be cold all the time like I was in Hawaii. Still, it will be much better than here!

Anonymous said...

Bring a sweater, Shelley!! We are having below normal temps. but it did hit 50with our hurricane winds yesterday and today. I'm not complaining, just telling it like it is. I'm ready for the 70's and maybe a margarita!!

Anonymous said...

I thought you didn't like margaritas!!!! SL