Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

26 days to go

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

And what do you do about packing? Figure out your wardrobe and then find bags to fit it all in (remember 2 bags and a carry-on per person and you pay extra if any of those bags are over 50 pounds) or figure out which bags you're taking and then make the clothes fit into them.

And then there's always the issue of leaving a little room to bring home souvenirs.

Of course, I have no answers for you. Just points to ponder as you begin thinking about what to take. I do think that I might try to plan it so that--if possible--the shirt/capris I wear to dinner one night might be the clothes I can wear the next day. That might work once or twice though I doubt I have anything casual yet nice enough to pull that off. Maybe I need to go shopping!

Until tomorrow...

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