Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

7 Days to go!

One week from today, ladies, we'll be setting sail.
My beloved husband has informed me that I look jaundice. Says my "tan in a bottle" is turning me yellow. I have assured him that I am not yellow. That's my Mexican tan!!! But in case he's right, I've been thinking about it, and maybe, if I turn yellow enough, I'll start to glow in the dark. I figure that's a bonus for Shelley if she needs to pee in the middle of the night. I'll be her night-light to get to the bathroom in our cabin. Also, if I should fall overboard into the murky Mexican waters, maybe if I'm glowing, it'll be easier for you to see where to throw the life preserver!
On another note: the US dollar is currently worth about 100 pesos. Just a little FYI for you when wondering if you're getting a good deal on that Mexican trinket. Also good to know in the event that one of us ends up in a Mexican prison. If they tell you bail is 40,000 pesos, you'll be needing to come up with about $400 US dollars!
It won't be long now, ladies!!!

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