Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dang! I'm good at this!

Dang! I'm getting good at this posting and importing stuff! Check out our other blog for the cool picture of Mickey that I imported.

Anyway...I was thinking about where we should stay in Vegas. I like the MGM, NYNY corner for all the casinos there, plus we wouldn't have to rent a car. But I checked that out, and it would be about $60 for the weekend so $20 each. The reason I checked was because I got an email for Circus Circus for $100/night. That's far below anything other hotels have been sending me so far. We could stay there and just drive around. OR...we could stay there and cab to one of the areas of interest. For example I noticed that there are 6 big hotels around the Venitian area. We could cab to one of those and then just walk to others to check out as the weather should be cool then.

Or you could say, "Sharmi, why must you overthink everything???"

Just some thoughts I'm thinking as I avoid doing real work! Something to ponder for you gals while I'm meeting Mickey. Oh, silly me. One of you will be with me and Mickey. Does that mean we're having a threesome with a mouse??? SL


Anonymous said...

Whatever you decide is fine with me, but I'm all for staying at "the corner" and paying a little extra for the convenience of it all. SKS

Anonymous said...

I'm with Shelley on this. Do whatever works for you two. I'm just along for the ride!
Cruise Mothah