Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Friday, July 13, 2007

On It's Way!

Well, I FINALLY got my passport taken care of. It is out of my hands now! Of course I waited until a day when the road work in the area of the Post Office made it nearly impossible to get there. If Marty hadn't been with me and persisted in finding a way, it would not have happened. We were pleasantly surprised to be only the second car to pull into the parking lot. Apparently others were not quite as persistant about getting there. Works for us!!! $224 later, we were good to go. Could have expedited getting it for another $92. I told him my plans weren't until Jan. He said I should have no problem. We'll see!!! WAHOO!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl!! SL