Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Is it just me, or did you all expect warmer temperatures? I'm thinking I might want to bring my parka if it isn't going to be in the high 80s!!! I still can't wait!


Great Life said...

I'm glad I checked because I was thinking it would be warmer too and that we'd need a full day on the beach at some point, but now I'm thinking maybe tours of the cities would be fine. (Mom, there's a tequila and the city tour--are you in?) On the other hand, it will be in the 20*s and 30*s here when we leave, so 80* will probably feel really warm to me! SL

Anonymous said...

Darn right I'm in. I'll be asking (DID I DANCE ON THE TABLES AND WHAT CITY TOUR).