Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bling--or should I say "THRINGS"?

Several years (cruises) ago, the tradition began. Buy some hideous jewelry and make sure all were wearing it in the formal dining room. It's a beautiful tradition! Kind of brings a tear to my eye. Most famous of the jewelry was probably the "riatch". Ring+watch=riatch. A watch to wear on your finger. They were beautiful and as an added bonus, they pulled the hair on your fingers! As you can see, I spared no expense with these beauties. They are rings that should probably be worn on the thumb. Thumb+ring=thring. I just knew that, as hideous as I thought all of these were, someone in our party would like some of them. Ah youth. I was right. The 16-yr-old girl at the check out wanted to know where I got them, because she wanted to pick up a couple. Cara quickly decided the owl (the ugliest of them all in my opinion) was the best of them all. I give up. I believe the ladies will be fighting over these so I am suggesting a grab-bag of sorts when we get on the ship. Let me know if you have a better idea or if you just HAVE TO have one!

Notice the bumble bee?

Something tells me Becky might like this one.

The stone on this one is actually more clear than it looks here.

Don't worry, it wouldn't look any better even if it weren't blurry.

Cara's favorite.

Stunning, I know.

Here I am, wearing it on my thumb. They are all this big!

I will take cash donations if you've just GOT TO have a certain one!


Shelley said...

Dibs on the bumble bee ring. MY favorite!

Shelley said...

Umm....bad news. I think you forgot someone. By my count there's seven girls: Karen, Sharmi, Shelley, Liz, Becky, Tamires. They are all BEAUTIES though!!!

Shelley said...

OOOOOOPS!!! And Cara!!!