Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Cruise Documents for Two

Well, it's official. Sharmi and I are cruising. I printed off our cruise documents today. RCCL sent them to me.....ALL nineteen pages!!! I'm guessing that what is holding up the other two is that Libby doesn't have her flight information. At least last I knew she hadn't booked a flight yet. Anyway, me and Sharmi WILL NOT be stopped at this point!!! Hope you other two can join us!


Anonymous said...

I filled out all of Libby's information and was able to print the set sail pass a week or two ago, but haven't heard from RCCL. What's up with that?? Does your set sail pass have both of you on one? Mine does. I'll bet we aren't linked so we can dine together. I'd hate to share that "lovely" jewelry you're bringing with another table!
Cruise Mothah

Anonymous said...

I think the info. will come to me cuz I booked it. When I go to my cruise stuff on RCCL's website, both reservations come up. We are supposed to be linked and I'm thinking that we are. I don't know where my set sail pass is or IF I've even printed it off. Alzheimers and all!!! Don't let me forget the jewels!