I might be off by a day (I worked backward from the cruise that goes next when they get home), but I'm pretty close. I think they already cruised the canal, but they still have many stops to go. What kind of souvenirs could they possible get in Cartagena, Columbia? Hee Hee!
March 18--Leave Fort Lauderdale, FL
March 19--cruising
March 20--cruising
March 21--Cartagena, Columbia
March 22--Colon, Panama
March 23--Panama Canal (cruising canal)
March 24--Cruising
March 25--Puntarenas, Coast Rica
March 26--cruising
March 27--Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala
March 28--cruisinhg
March 29--cruising
March 30--Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
March 31--Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
April 1--cruising
April 1--San Diego, CA
Wish I was there!