Dedicated to family travel. This blog used to be about the "girls only" trips, but lately I've decided it'll do nicely for all our travel adventures whether lots of us are going or only one or two of us.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sharmi and Shelley Go Cruisin'

Our cruise took us out of L.A. to Catalina, CA and Ensenada, Mexico with a day at sea thrown in.  It was a celebration of Mary Beth's 40th birthday, and she took with her Darcee (Libby and Blake that's Darcee Baldry from Alkali), me, Tina, Karen, Brandy (Darcee's cousin), and Shelley.  The only person missing was Mom!  We had a great, relaxing time.  

We did some 70's dance moves.  The instructor was amazed at how quickly we caught on!  That's Shelley, me, MB behind me, some dude, and Darcee!  Darcee really had the moves!

On the final night we broke out the mustaches!  
Shelley looked like Sonny Bono!
I look like Hitler, though it was a Charlie Chaplin 'stache.  
Mitch and Cara are quite sure it was the perfect mustache for me!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

B and R in Mexico!

Blake and Robin had a great time in Mexico.  I wish they had taken us along!  Maybe next time!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Family Reunion

The family reunion was the best!  Lots of food, fun, and family!  Renting the cabana at the pool was the smartest move of the week.  We had way too much food...of course, but I think most of it got eaten or put in the freezer before we left.  Lagoon was lots of fun, but man, was it hot!  High 90*s is too hot for all that asphalt.  It was great to see everyone.  We all hope Tyson can made it next time--2014 in Colorado Springs, baby!  See you then...if not before!

 Libby, Blake, Chuck, Mom, Sharmi
Hey, Blake!  Your halo is showing!

Make a funny face!
They did!
Jajuan, Ariana, Isaiah, Mariah, Andy, Liz,
Jared, Matt, Cara, Mitch, Becky

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Batten Down The Hatches

Logan, Utah you have been warned.  The family reunion starts tomorrow! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Shelley and Sharmi were working on reunion details this week.  Most things are set to go.  We did wonder/worry about people staying hydrated while at Lagoon.  We thought about hauling a cooler around, but neither of us wanted that responsibility.  In the end we decided that each family will be responsible to keep themselves/their kids hydrated.  You'll have to carry your own water bottles.  We will be bringing lunch to this park, but it will probably sit in a car until we decide it's time to eat.  We assume people will probably go their own ways some of the time at the park so we will determine a meeting time/place for lunch when we get there.  :)  Who's excited to go???  ME, ME, ME!

Family Photo Cancelled

Unfortunately we won't be doing a family photo on Thursday morning so there is no need to bring the appropriately colored clothing.  We may try to take a big group photo with someones timer camera on Monday night and will definitely try to get some shots of all the cousins then, but no matching clothing is required.  :)  See you soon! 

AZ comes to CO

Grandma's in CO for a few days.  To beat the heat yesterday, they celebrated the 4th of July in the nice, cool Bingo Hall.  No one won, but they are all winners to us!

UT comes to MT

It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, but the Lagges were thrilled when the Skabelunds decided to come enjoy the 4th of July with them.  GREAT TIMES!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I had a great trip to Colorado to see the Jones'.  There were trips to swimming lessons, the Chinese Buffet, and shopping.  Here's poor Sparky.  It looks like he's kissing this big hunk of asparagus, but really he's sleeping, cuddled up to it in his car seat.  :)  Thanks for all the fun.  See you at the reunion!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Swimming at Grandpa and Grandma's Hotel

The Graduate

Congratulations Tyson!

A couple of photos from Cara's trip in progress...

She didn't take either of these (I stole them from friends on facebook), but I thought they were cool.  Both were taken last night.

 Yankees game, bases loaded.
Can you say, "Nosebleed"?  :)

NYC skyline.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Colorado for Ty's Graduation!

Grandpa, Grandma, Blake, and Robin made it to Colorado to celebrate Tyson's high school graduation!  Congratulations Ty!!  And now, for a little fun with Blake's camera!

 Libby, Ariana, Isaiah, and Ty

 Grandpa Chuck

 Sparky?  Is that you?



Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cara's Itinerary

Cara leaves for DC/NYNY in only a few hours.  She is very excited.  She has to be at the airport at 4AM tomorrow!  Here's a peek at her schedule:

Sunday--Airport at 4AM, change planes in Denver.  Land in DC in the afternoon and see National Mall, Washington Monument, Smithsonian--American History and Natural History portions, Ford's Theater, Peterson House, and Souvenir Shopping.  In the evening  they will see FDR and Jefferson Memorials as well as the MLK Memorial.  Phew!

Monday--Arlington --this will take the entire morning as they will see much here, in the afternoon they have gallery passes at the Capitol and will see the holocaust museum and Lafayette Park as well as the White House (outside, not inside).  The evening includes Lincoln, WWII, Vietnam, Korean, Iwo Jima memorials.

Tuesday--Mt. Vernon in the morning and then a bus ride (they are not allowed to call them buses; they are coaches) to NYNY.  Yankees game in the evening and then a trip to the Empire State Building for a night view from the top.

Wednesday--Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, Lower Manhattan tour including Ground Zero, wall Street, NY Stock Exchange, Federal Hall, trinity Church, and South Street Seaport.  Walking tour of Chinatown and Little Italy.  Evening includes the Broadway Show--Mary Poppins.

Thursday--Up early to try to get to appear on The Today Show in Rockefeller Center.  Walking tour of Midtown including Times Square, Rockefeller Center, St. Pat's Cathedral, 5th Avenue, and Central Park.  Depart for home in the afternoon.  They arrive home just before midnight and are expected to attend school on Friday!  :)  I bet she sleeps on that plane coming home!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Family Photo?

Shelley's got a friend who could take a family photo at the reunion.  We're thinking that might be swell.  We could walk over to the park and get a great background.  We're not 100% positive it'll happen or which day, but just in case it does, please pack something in the white-blue-denim-beige color pallet.  Yee Haw!

The Visit

These are the only photographic proof that Shelley and Becky just visited the Lagges.  I guess it's not proof Shelley was here, but check out the brace on Becky's leg.  She can't drive so someone must have driven her here!  It was a great time.  Lots of eating!  :)  Come back soon, girls!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pavilion Rented!

We have rented the covered pavilion, complete with tables for our afternoon at the pool.  It's all ours from 12:00-3:00 on Tuesday, July 17.  We'll be taking our lunch with us.  Don't forget your sunscreen!  AWESOME!  :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Woot, woot!

Woot, Woot!  Shelley and Becky arrived to visit the Lagsters today!  Let the fun begin.  I hear Dos Machos calling!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Don't ya just love the president???

A Message From The President

Maybe some of you are out of the loop!  This is an "OFFICIAL" company meeting.  Blake is sharpening up his pencil to take minutes.  Thus the company will be paying for Lagoon entrance, motels, and some gas for those who have to drive.  We'll be covering most of the food cost too, so everyone, chill about the cost and let's have nothing but fun.

"The President"

Reunion Details

Here's a LOOSE plan for the reunion, and of course, it's subject to much change between now and July!

July 16--Travel to Marty and Shelley's
          **Dinner will be available--BBQs (AKA Sloppy Joes) w/salad and chips

July 17--Pool Day--cost of admission is minimal, maybe $5 per person.  Bring your floaties!
          **We will bring subs, watermelon, and a veggie tray to the pool for lunch
          **Dinner at Marty and Shelley's--Fried Chicken with all the fixins

July 18--LAGOON Amusement Park--this is about an hour from Marty and Shelley's.  Cost is currently $45/person, but a discount may be available for our group.  There is a regular park full of rides as well as a water park within this park, all for that price.
          **We will take sandwich fixings, fruit, and chips with us.  If you need a snack, there are plenty of vendors in the park.
          **Dinner on your own.
          **Obviously we will be taking multiple vehicles so you are welcome to stay as long as you like, as long as someone can bring you home!

July 19--Spend day hanging out with family, or go to the park, or check out the's your call.  Later in the afternoon we will head up the canyon for some outdoor fun and dinner.  This is where we will do our WHITE ELEPHANT GIFT EXCHANGE (Oh yes, people, it's back!).
          **Lunch at Marty and Shelley's--taco salad or sandwiches--you choose
          **Dinner up the canyon will be roasted hot dogs, chips, salad and s'mores

July 20--Travel home.  The fun is over...until next time!

* More information will be coming soon.
* Marty and Shelley have lots of space if people want to stay with them.
* We will all need to pitch in for food--we'll figure that out later.
* Each family will be responsible for their own transportation/admission to Lagoon.
* Each family will be responsible for their own admission to the pool.
*Tuesday and Thursday have plenty of time built in if you'd like go to:
     *the park (next door to Marty and Shelley's)
     *go to the batting cages (next door to Marty and Shelley's)
     *golf (right down the road from Marty and Shelley)
     *skate park (one block from Marty and Shelley's)
     *swim (one block from Marty and Shelley's)
     *shop (20 minutes from Marty and Shelley's)
     *or just hand out on the patio (at Marty and Shelley's).

Here are links to Lagoon, the pool, and Logan City parks!

Friday, April 6, 2012

100 Days!

One hundred days until the family reunion!  Woot, woot!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Look Who Traveled To Arizona

The Skablelunds landed in Arizona for a little "vaca".  The Dunckels also came to visit.  Oh yes, and there was cake for the sisty's birthday!  Jealous!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

And they're off!

The boys are headed to Spring training in Phoenix today. Spring training drinking, I think, with a little baseball thrown in. Detox begins Thursday when they get home. Have fun and be safe!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Don't Tell Blake

Don't tell Blake! This would totally freak him out. Good thing he's not going with us. I look at this as a blessing for us. Now all the Ships' captains will be on high alert! (This just happened in the Mediterranean, by the way.)